Sold cameras.
Leica IIIf - Serenar 50mm f/1.8 - art LEI02 - Sold.
Model IIIf of the Barnack Leicas, "black dial", serial number 527131 (1950/51).
The camera has been overhauled and shutter cleaned and adjusted, all speeds even 1/1000th are correct. Rangefinder patch is visible and easy to use, viewfinder is clear. Winding and rewinding work fine.
The lens is a Canon Serenar 50mm f/1.8 with 6 elements in 4 groups, 10 aperture blades. Focus is smooth, aperture works and clicks and lenses have minimal cleaning marks, otherwise perfect.
The camera is a joy to use, here some photos taken during the test with Kodak 5222.
Agfa Isolette III - Solinar 75mm f/3.5 - art ISO304 - Sold.
Uncoupled rangefinder camera from Agfa with same window for focusing and composing.
Solinar lens is in great condition, no defects. Double exposure, shutter and rangefinder are working correctly. Bellows are new, bronze color and light tight of course. To be noticed the engraved number next to the viewfinder and two holes in the focusing ring, none of them affecting the performance or functionality of the camera.
Photos taken during the test roll can be seen here, very sharp lens at any distance and aperture.
Zeiss Mess Ikonta 524/16 - Tessar 75mm f/3.5 - art 5241604 - Sold.
Uncoupled rangefinder camera from Zeiss Ikon with separate window for focusing and composing.
Tessar lens in this sample is in perfect condition, no defects. Double exposure, shutter and rangefinder are working correctly. Bellows are in very good state and light tight of course.
Photos taken during the test roll can be seen here, very sharp for landscape and gorgeous rendering for portraits. Camera comes a good leather carry case and a close up filter with distance chart.
F&H Rolleicord Ia model 2 - Triotar 75mm f/4.5 - art CORD07 - Sold
Twin Lens Reflex from from Franke & Heidecke. Camera is in good state with few mark, small parts were painted back. Mirror was changed, winding mechanism serviced as well the focusing, not as smooth as it should but inside was quite worn out. Still focusing is done fine when I carried the test roll.
Triotar lens is in perfect condition, no defects. Spacing of the camera is good using the taped take up spool, shutter works correctly and counting has been checked, it works fine.
Some photos taken with Kentmere 100 can be seen here, excellent photos.
F&H Rolleicord I 'Art Deco' - Triotar 75mm f/4.5 - art CORD06 - Sold
Twin Lens Reflex from from Franke & Heidecke. Iconic model wearing a Triotar 75mm f/4.5. Camera has some wear as usual in this models, time and use deteriorates the metal cover. This is the second version with the small gate for the ruby window and prevent light leaks. Mirror is new.
Triotar lens is in good condition, small polishing marks in the front lens. Spacing is good, focus smooth and shutter works correctly.
Some photos taken with Ilford HP-5 can be seen here, they went as expected.
Agfa Isolette III - Solinar 75mm f/3.5 - art ISO303 - Sold.
Uncoupled 6x6 rangefinder camera with unified viewfinder and rangefinder window. It comes with a leather carry case in very good condition.
Solinar lens is in very good condition, loss of coating in the middle lens due bad cleaning from previous owner. This camera had bellows changed (made by Sandeha Lynch) and camera looks like new.
Some photos taken with Tri-X expired can be seen here.
F&H Rolleicord Ia - Triotar 75mm f/4.5 - art CORD04 - Sold.
Twin Lens Reflex from from Franke & Heidecke. The shutter was serviced, all settings are working fine and it comes with the original screen which was cleaned. Worthy to mention the read stands of this camera were fixed placing it two screws to keep the camera standing up, using the camera with the leather case you won't notice anything.
Triotar lens is in good condition, this lens is well known for its portrait and close/medium distance subjects. Some photos taken with Fomapan 400 can be seen here.
It comes with leather carry case in good condition.
F&H Rolleicord V - Xenar 75mm f/3.5 - art CORD03 - Sold.
Twin Lens Reflex from from Franke & Heidecke, this copy had full service, all settings are working within factory settings and exterior is very well preserved.
Xenar lens is flawless, besides usual dust spots I couldn't find any defect, photos taken with Fomapan 400 show its performance from wide open till f/8 landscape photo, shots can be seen here.
It comes with black leather carry case in good condition.
Zeiss Ikon Ikoflex IIa 855/16 - Opton Tessar 75mm f/3.5 - art IKOII02 - Sold.
Twin Lens Reflex from Zeiss Ikon, this model differs from others because you can see the speed and aperture settings from above, also you can change them with the small wheels on front.
In this model winding, cocking and counting is automatic. Wind until the frame #1 is visible in the bottom ruby window and the camera is ready. The glass is really good, just faint and few cleaning marks - no effect in photo - camera handling is comfortable and the photos taken are very good.
It comes with a leather carry case in worn but good condition.
Yashica Mat EM - Yashinon 75mm f/3.5 - art MAT01 - Sold.
Twin Lens Reflex from Yashica, model MAT EM with selenium meter in working state (somehow accurate). The self timer had to be removed, it as unrecoverable. Also flash it is disconnected. Any other functions of the camera are working as they should.
Yashinon glass in the camera is awesome, such a great character!, still very thin cleaning marks with no effect in the photos. A walk along the river, no wind and the sun made the photos great, here the album done with Ilford HP5.
It comes with black leather carry case in good condition and original plastic lens caps.
Zeiss Mess Ikonta 524/16 - Novar Anastigmat 75mm f/3.5 - art ZI5241603 - Sold.
Uncoupled 6x6 rangefinder camera with separate windows for focusing and composing.
Great lens, sweet spot at f/5.6 gives a wonderful render at close subject, nice landscapes and overall a very comfortable camera. Some photos from the test roll can be seen here.
Leather carry case in good condition is included.
F&H Rolleiflex 3.5 Model K4 - Tessar T 75mm f/3.5 - art FLEX01 - Sold.
Twin Lens Reflex from Franke & Heidecke, this copy was completely serviced, all systems. Everything now works as it should. A fix in the WLF was done before me, the WLF bubbles a little when it's closed, opened it stays firm, a video can be seen here.
Great coated glass, minimal cleaning marks with no effect in the photos. Here you can see some shots made with it done with Ilford HP5 and expired Kodak Plus-X. A very inspiring camera for me.
It comes with leather carry case with short strap in good condition.
Zeiss Mess Ikonta 524/16 - Tessar 75mm f/3.5 - art ZI5241602 - Sold.
Uncoupled 6x6 rangefinder camera with separate windows for focusing and composing.
Excellent glass, great photos for landscape and superb for portraits.
Sadly no case for it but it fits in any big pocket, coat or backpack side pockets, great for small trips or walks.
Agfa Isolette II - Apotar 85mm f/4.5 - art ISO201 - Sold.
Zone focus 6x6 camera, lens is not 100% clear, it had fungus but image is actually really sharp.
Very light camera for landscapes, it comes with leather case (short strap) in very good condition.
Photos taken with this camera, really sharp this Apotar.
Montanus Atlantic Royal - Pluscanar Anastigmat 75mm f/3.5 - ATL01 - Sold.
Twin Lens Reflex 6x6. Sometimes the simplest the better, winding and cocking are independent so double exposure is possible.
Extraordinary feature the camera has a cabin for a spare roll, shutter releasing is done with the side knob.
It comes with a leather carry case with excellent condition.
Here some photos I made with it among others I did during its service.
Agfa Billy Record II - Solinar 105mm f/4.5 - art BILREC02 - Sold.
Zone focus 6x9 camera, later Solinar version same as Agfa Record III usually wears.
Coating loss in the rear element but photos camera out really sharp and contrasty.
It comes with leather carry case with great patina, shade hood and yellow filter.
Photos taken with this camera are really sharp for landscape and very good for portraits.
Dacora Royal - Ennagon 75mm f/3.5 - DACROY01 - Sold.
Uncoupled 6x6 rangefinder camera with unified windows for focusing and composing.
Wind lever that cocks the shutter if completing the winding movement, you should wind again watching the ruby window for the next frame.
Agfa Record III - Apotar 105mm f/4.5 - art REC301 - Sold.
Uncoupled 6x9 rangefinder camera with unified viewfinder and rangefinder window. It comes with a leather carry case in good condition.
This sample needs a bit of help for taking out the lens, struts were abuse but it stays put once it's opened.
Great camera despite the strut problem, photos are the really good.
Sem Semflex 1/2 Oto 3,5 Type 26 - Flor 75mm f/3.5 - SEM2601 - Sold.
Twin Lens Reflex from France, Berthoit Flor lens is a Tessar type and it has it's own character (good IMHO)
This camera had all its parts disassembled, cleaned, mounted back and adjusted. Check process here.
UV filter included, it comes with a leather carry case a bit worn out but fully usable.
Photos made with Berthiot Flor 75mm f/3.5 with this camera and other I had.
Agfa Billy Record II - Solinar 105mm f/4.5 - art BILREC01 - Sold.
Zone focus 6x9 camera, early and coated Solinar version.
Fine cleaning marks rear lens, focus is a bit stiff, it comes with leather carry case but I would say only the lower half is usable.
Great results with this camera, you can watch them here.
Zeiss Ikon Ikonta Mess 524/16 - Novar Anastigmat 75mm f/3.5 - ZI5241601 - Sold.
Uncoupled 6x6 rangefinder camera with separate windows for focusing and composing.
Excellent glass, great photos for landscape and superb for portraits at f/5.6
It comes with leather carry case in good condition with name/address inside.
F&H Rolleicord Vb - Xenar 75mm f/3.5 - CORDVB01 - Sold.
Twin Lens Reflex from Franke & Heidecke, the last model of all, the Vb with removable WLF for easily changing the screen or place the Rollei prism on top.
Taking glass in this sample is near perfect, just dust, overall condition is really good and functionality perfect.
It comes with leather carry case in good condition, shade hood with pouch and shutter release button.
Some photos taken with this camera that I can share.
Agfa Isolette III - Apotar 85mm f/4.5 - art ISO302 - Sold.
Uncoupled 6x6 rangefinder camera with unified viewfinder and rangefinder window. It comes with a leather carry case in good condition.
Great all around lens for very good results, some photos made with this camera.
Voigtlander Perkeo II - Color Skopar 75mm f/3.5 - PER201 - Sold.
Zone focus 6x6 camera with semi-automatic winding/counting. You have to wind until the frame 1 is in the ruby window and then rotate the lever at the back to the left, from now counting and double exposure will be activated.
One of the smallest 6x6 cameras and wearing a excellent Skopar lens, great photos as usual in this lens.
Case 'usable', external rangefinder adjusted for close focusing.
Zeiss Ikon Ikoflex IIa 855/16 - Tessar 75mm f/3.5 - IKO85501 - Sold
Twin Lens Reflex from Zeiss Ikon, this model differs from others because you can see the speed and aperture settings from above, also you can change them with the small wheels on front.
In this model winding, cocking and counting is automatic. Wind until the frame #1 is visible in the bottom ruby window and the camera is ready. This sample wears a perfect glass, camera handling is comfortable and the photos taken are superb.
It comes with a leather carry case in excellent condition.
Agfa Isolette III - Solinar 75mm f/4.5 - art ISO301 - Sold
Uncoupled 6x6 rangefinder camera with unified viewfinder and rangefinder window. It comes with a leather carry case in good condition (inscription with previous owner's name and address inside the case).
Excellent all around lens for great photos.
Fuji GSW690III - EBC Fujinon SW 65mm f/5.6 - GSW01 - Sold.
6x9 rangefinder camera with a 65mm lens, making it wide for the format and really sharp, this lens is great.
Cosmetic condition is worn out but winding, shutter and rangefinder and working absolutely fine, the lens in this sample is just beautiful, no imperfections.
Shade hood extends and is a bit loose, focus a bit stiff but perfectly usable, I had no problems at all.
All cameras has been overhauled and tested with film, if any part required repair it was done correctly. The functions of the cameras are within factory tolerances, taking lenses are free from scratches, haze, fungus and/or separation unless stated in the ad. Viewfinder and rangefinder glasses are clean, TLR's mirrors and screens have been cleaned as well if possible. Cameras have no light leaks, roll film winding is correct if loaded as it should, springs and pressure plates have been adjusted.
Prices are in euro, shipping is included within EU, UK, USA and Canada, others inquire please. Payment options are cash (if picking up personally), bank transfer (IBAN) or PayPal.
CONTACT me for buying or with any question by indicating the 'art CODXX' of the camera.